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For more information,visit or contact us directly at ‪(612) 208-3832‬.

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C.A. Ellis & Associates, LLC provides comprehensive services including MN DHS 245D compliance training, mental wellness programs, business consulting, staff and management training, program development, process optimization, and speaking engagements.

Our services are designed for small to medium-sized businesses, non-profit organizations, and community-based agencies, especially those within the social services and mental wellness sectors. We also cater to professionals seeking to enhance their compliance practices and promote mental wellness in their organizations.

MN DHS 245D compliance training involves detailed guidance on navigating the requirements of MN DHS 245D regulations. It ensures that organizations providing home and community-based services meet all necessary compliance standards, improving service quality and reducing the risk of penalties.

We offer tailored workshops and training sessions focusing on mental wellness. These programs address common mental health challenges, stress management techniques, and strategies for creating supportive work environments that enhance productivity and employee well-being.

Yes, all our services can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization. We conduct comprehensive consultations to understand your unique challenges and develop customized solutions that are practical and impactful.

You can schedule a consultation or training session by contacting us directly at (612) 208-3832 or [email protected]. You can also fill out the online contact form on our website.

The cost of our services varies based on the type and scope of the engagement. We offer flexible pricing models and customized packages to accommodate different budgets. For specific pricing information, please contact us directly.

Yes, we offer virtual training sessions and consultations to accommodate clients regardless of their location. We utilize advanced virtual platforms to ensure that our services are accessible and effective.

Our unique approach combines business expertise with psychological insights, focusing on both compliance and mental wellness. This holistic perspective ensures comprehensive solutions that address both operational efficiency and employee well-being. Our commitment to integrity, excellence, empathy, innovation, and lifelong learning sets us apart in the industry.

You can stay updated with our latest offerings and news by visiting our website regularly, following us on social media, and subscribing to our newsletter. Links to our social media profiles and newsletter subscription are available on our website.

Yes, we have received numerous positive reviews from satisfied clients. Here is one example: “Working with Coach Candice has been a game-changer for our organization. Her deep understanding of MN DHS 245D compliance and her ability to integrate mental wellness strategies into our workplace have significantly improved our operational efficiency and employee well-being.”


Specific for 245D services:


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It is advised to begin copying [email protected] when you first contact the case manager to assist during the intake process. In addition, once you, the provider, and the case manager decide that your program is a good fit, you should use the link to schedule the meeting. We have intake meeting openings every week.

It is highly recommended that you also have staffing in place at the time of the intake.

A. The provider should have the following information available when scheduling the meeting using the link: 

  1. CSSP and/or MNChoice, 
  2. Facesheet, 
  3. Service Agreement and/or type of services that you will be provided as this informs us of the paperwork we need to complete, 
  4. Type of Services the individual will be receiving
  5. Expected start date of services,
  6. Clients’ current phone number and, if applicable, email address
  7. Case Manager’s name, email address, and contact number
  8. Legal Representative’s name, email address, and contact number, if applicable
  9. Emergency Contact name, telephone number, and address

Please use this link to schedule intakes for incoming individuals: 

As a recommended rule of thumb, to avoid delay in scheduling intake meetings, the provider should include [email protected] in correspondence with the case manager when deciding if the individual is a good fit for your organization. This serves as a dual purpose so that 1) we can assist in the determination so that you as a provider can avoid possible violations by having to terminate the individual, and 2) we can begin looking at intake dates to coordinate meetings, service initiation and staffing.

Please use this link to schedule missed meetings for individuals already receiving services from the provider and any other required meetings, such as annual, quarterly, or semi-annual meetings:

Please use this link to schedule correction meetings if you are a new provider to C.A.Ellis & Associates, LLC. and have been advised to schedule correction meetings for current individuals receiving services: 

Our meetings are held virtually using a video link or a number that can be called at the time of the meeting. Upon booking the meeting using one of the links, you will receive an email confirmation directly from Acuity and a confirmation email from [email protected] with the meeting link.

A. Although not advised, if you choose to conduct an intake without the C.A. Ellis & Associates, LLC team, then it is recommended that, at minimum, complete the following steps:

  1. Schedule the earliest available meeting using this link: so that correction paperwork can be completed and sent out to the team. Should be scheduled within 10 days of the intake meeting you conducted.
    • Ensure that we have a CSSP with your provider name listed & a Service Agreement
  2. Complete the following documents and obtain signatures:
        1. Provide the team with a copy of Intake policies & Individual Rights (see Policy folder)
        2. Complete IAPP to the best of your ability

No, HM without a modifier code does not require 245D compliance; therefore, a meeting is unnecessary. If additional services are added at any time, an official intake meeting with the team is required.

At C.A. Ellis & Associates, LLC, is responsible for preparing ongoing updates and reviewing individual compliance documentation. We ensure that all documents comply with your policies and procedures, align with the clients’ needs, and are accurately dated for the date the meeting took place.

The DC/DM provides routine oversight, evaluation, and support of program paperwork to ensure quality and program improvement. This role includes ensuring that all paperwork is compliant and properly prepared but does not involve conducting actual staff training or participating in in-person meetings or reviews.


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The short answer is YES. However, both documents are helpful not only for us to ensure you comply but also for us to ensure you do. Accurate documents with YOU as the PROVIDER listed help us determine the compliance paperwork correctly. They also give us insight into the individual receiving services and ensure that YOU, the PROVIDER, get paid for the services that you are providing.

No, the case manager does not have to be present if they cannot make it; however, they MUST be invited and allowed to decline.

It is advised to keep documentation if any team member states that they cannot attend the meeting & efforts made to ensure their presence or their permission to conduct the meeting and send confirmation to send over the paperwork for review and signature.

Yes, it is advised that a representative for your agency be in attendance as there may be agency-specific questions that we are unable to answer to assist with getting the paperwork completed.

It is recommended that you invite the staff that will be working with the individual so that it can serve as their training to the individual’s specific needs – a DHS-required training 

Document the process. The team can meet without the individual. The provider/team should attempt to meet with the individual on their terms and bring information back to the team. Signatures and documentation should be completed throughout the process.


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Meeting paperwork is completed within 3 business days following the meetings to ensure that all documentation is current and accurately reflects the discussions. The paperwork is then reviewed internally to ensure compliance then sent out via SignNow to collect electronic signatures.

The meeting took place; therefore, you will not receive a citation. C.A.Ellis & Associates, LLC. ensures the information within the documentation reflects the date that the meeting took place. We are working diligently to ensure that the information is accurate and sent out. There may be a delay. You will be notified via SignNow when the documentation has been sent to the emails we have on hand.

It is recommended that the provider send staff to the individual during the meeting to ensure that they can access the meeting.  

The provider will also be responsible for taking the meeting packet to the individual or legal representative and obtaining signatures.

The provider is responsible for mailing the documentation to the legal representative with a return envelope to obtain signatures.

C.A. Ellis & Associates, LLC. will send out the documentation via SignNow. It is recommended that you, the provider, sign and print the documentation for your records upon receipt and obtain the individual signature if they do not have access to an email.

You may not receive a complete packet if the other team members who were invited did not sign the documents. If/When everyone signs, SignNow will automatically send the complete documents to everyone invited to the documentation.

After 10 days without signatures, the packet is automatically accepted, and you can include the files you originally printed in the file.

Per MN Statutes, section 245D.071, subdivision 4, (c); and subdivision 5, (c); if within 10 working days of this submission, the person served and/or legal representative or case manager has not signed and returned to the license holder the assessment and Coordinated Service and Support Plan Addendum or has not proposed written modification to its submission, the submission is deemed approved and in effect. It will remain in effect until the next annual month or until the person served and/or legal representative or case manager submits a written request to revise them.

It is advised that the individual’s progress notes be documented. If they refuse to sign the documentation, the unsigned documentation should be placed in their file.

Effective 4/2024, the only documentation required to be signed in the current packet is the Single Dated Signature Sheet, also called the SDSS, initials on the Medication and Financial authorization on the Support Plan Addendum, and the Release of Informations.

The statute states that a review is required 60 days from the service initiation date (the first date billed for services provided). We will send a single-dated signature page with the 60-day date and the original intake documents. You will only need to print off the single-dated signature page for your records as proof of the 60-day review that occurred. The paperwork will only need to be updated if and when changes occur.

If no service is initiated within 60 days of the intake/admission meeting, another meeting is needed.

To avoid delay, we suggest that follow the recommendations on when/how to schedule meetings.


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For paperwork and meeting questions/concerns, including rescheduling the meeting, please text C.A. Ellis & Associates, LLC. business line at (612) 440-6406, and someone will respond to your questions/concerns.

Yes, according to the 245D.095 statute, progress or daily log notes are needed whenever staff contact the individual being served, whether in person or remotely. 

No, it does not matter how it is documented. It just needs to be available upon request. 

A. Long answer, short – it is up to the provider. What the statue states is:

  • 245C.03, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause 3 states: The commissioner shall conduct a background study on: current or prospective employees or contractors of the applicant who will have direct contact with persons served by the facility, agency, or program.


  • 245.03, subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause 6 states: An individual who, without providing direct contact services at a licensed program, may have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults receiving services from a program, when the commissioner has reasonable cause as defined in section 245C.02, subdivision 15;



  • 245C.02, subdivision 11 – direct contact – “Direct contact” means providing face-to-face care, training, supervision, counseling, consultation, or medication assistance to persons served by the program.
  • 245C.02, subdivision 2 – access to person served by a program – means physical access to persons receiving services, access to the persons’ personal property, or access to the persons’ personal, financial, or health information, without continuous, direct supervision, as defined in subdivision 8.
  • 245C.02, subdivision 8 – continuous, direct supervision – means an individual is within sight or hearing of the program’s supervising individual to the extent that the program’s supervising individual is capable at all times of intervening to protect the health and safety of the persons served by the program.

    245D.02, subdivision 15- Reasonable cause -means information or circumstances exist that provide the commissioner with articulable suspicion that further pertinent information may exist concerning a subject. The commissioner has reasonable cause to require a background study when the commissioner has received a report from the subject, the license holder, or a third party indicating that the subject has a history that would disqualify the individual or that may pose a risk to the health or safety of persons receiving services.

If you are still interesting in creating a background check under your 245D license, then use this ink to schedule a time that you are in front of your pc and ready to submit, 

C.A. Ellis & Associates, LLC offers specialized services that do not involve direct face-to-face care or hands-on supervision of clients. Our role primarily encompasses administrative oversight and coordination, ensuring that all client care standards and regulatory requirements are met efficiently and effectively.

The role of a Designated Coordinator or Manager at C.A. Ellis & Associates, LLC involves overseeing the delivery of services and compliance with standards, without direct, unsupervised interaction with the clients. Our tasks include coordinating service plans, managing staff training, ensuring compliance with state and federal regulations, and facilitating communication between all parties involved in service delivery.

No, Designated Coordinators or Managers at C.A. Ellis & Associates, LLC do not engage in direct contact with clients. Our interaction is primarily indirect, focused on administrative and operational aspects rather than personal care or direct supervision. We encourage the Providers to ensure that those who do have direct contact with clients are fully trained and compliant with all necessary guidelines and standards.

We utilize a comprehensive monitoring system that includes regular reports, audits, and reviews to ensure that all services are delivered according to the highest standards. Additionally, we maintain open lines of communication with all staff members and external providers to ensure that any issues are promptly addressed and that the welfare of clients is continuously upheld.

At C.A. Ellis & Associates, LLC, background checks for Designated Coordinators or Managers are not mandatory since our roles do not involve unsupervised direct contact with clients. However, we will leave the decision to conduct background checks at the provider’s discretion. 

Since this is not a requirement, the provider will be billed for the background check, $10.50 plus $20, totaling $ $21.50 for each IdentoGo fingerprint visit on their next invoice.